Account & Security
Violation of game rules
Game Guide
See all 29 articlesFrequently Asked Questions
- Are there any bonuses in the game?
- Artifacts and Trunks
- Can Buildings be destroyed?
- How can I restart the game from the beginning?
- How do I find my ID?
- How do I liberate my Castle from a Siege?
Sapphires, Resources & Items
- Can I cancel an attack/construction/upgrade/lost art discovery?
- Find your missing Items
- How can I use my "Instant recall' items?
- I am missing Sapphires
- I applied resource pack but my balance didn't change
- I cannot purchase an item
Units & Player Interactions
- A battle occurred between me and my League mate
- Battle outcome. Core points & insights
- Battle XP (video)
- Feral Swordmen's Special Ability
- How can I find my missing troops?
- How can you raid a Castle over the available Raid attempts?
Events & Quests
- Balur's Beacon Invasion
- Global Events
- How can I earn points for the League Event?
- I did not receive Tournament points
- I don't receive points for the Weekly Siege Ranking
- I haven't received my reward for the Tournament
League, Fortresses & Beacons
- Can I receive Glory Points for attacking enemy Fortresses?
- Eir's Labors and League Shop
- How to leave a League
- League Matching in a League Brawl
- My achievement has not been completed though I reached top 10 in the Tournament
- Though we downgraded the hostile League Fortress, we cannot upgrade our Forstress to the next level
Map, Battlegrounds & Hamlets
Hero & Dragon
Castle Development