Interaction between Lords will be the key feature of your gameplay experience. To succeed you'll need to master all the different ways of influencing and engaging other Lords. There are several ways to do this. You can interact with your fellow Lords from the Map interface by going to the Map and positioning your mouse over another Lord's Castle and choosing an action (Trade, Raid, etc.) from their Castle's pop-up menu.
You can also interact by visiting their Castle. Go to the other Lord's Castle, click "Actions" on the right menu and choose the action you want to perform. Alternately, you can perform most interactions from your Military and Command buildings.
As you make more contacts (friend or enemy) you'll find that keeping track of them all will be easier from the Command building interfaces than by scrolling on the map. You can perform military actions, conduct diplomacy, and engage in trade from the Keep, Embassy and Market, respectively. All these methods allow you to use the following features:
- Player Designations
- Friends Panel
- Visiting other Castles
- Raid
- Siege
- Spy Missions
- Reinforcements
- Forming Alliances
- Sending Resources
- Sending Scrolls
- Councelors
Player Designations
There are several different player designations for other Lords you will encounter in the game. Their designation may depend on your previous interactions, their Level, or their game history. You can view a Lord's designation by opening the "Contacts" tab at your Keep, or by viewing their Castle information from the Map. A wooden shield with a cross on it indicates an Ally. Crossed swords on red background mark an Enemy. Those Castles marked with a wooden sword are Novice players - you will be unable to attack them until they attack you or attain a higher Level.
1. Novices. Users under Level 30 or the ones registered for less than 3 days will receive low-level player protection. Players thus protected can initiate an attack on any player, but no one can attack their Castle unless the protected player strikes first. If two users who have been playing for less than 3 days fight each other, their war can continue indefinitely regardless of either users' future relative levels or time in-game.
2. Enemies are those Lords who have attacked your Castle or those whose Castles have been attacked by you.
3. Allies. To become Allies with other players, you send an "Alliance" offer for other players to accept. If they do, you become Allies. Your allied status comes with certain benefits - Reinforcements and Caravans travel faster between allied Castles.
Friends Panel
Your Friends Panel is an important interface for interacting with other Lords. You will see all your social network Friends who are currently playing Stormfall: Age of War. To add someone to the Friends Panel you must send them a friend request from within your social network. This person will be added to the Friends Panel when they confirm your friend request.
A player is displayed on your Friends Panel isn't necessarily your Ally. The Friends Panel displays Neutral Lords, Enemies, and Allies - anyone currently on social network. The panel allows you to perform the following actions:
- visit other Lords' Castles;
- find a Lord's Castle on the Stormfall Map;
- send Letters;
- send Reinforcements;
- send Scrolls;
- send Resources;
- open a Lord's social network page;
- open their Game Profile;
- view their League's Info;
- summon a Wraith;
Use your Friends Panel to Raid, Besiege or Spy upon your Enemies' Castles.
Visiting other Castles
Interaction between Lords will be the key feature of your gameplay experience. One way to interact with other Lords is by visiting their Castle. Go to another Lord's Castle, click "Actions" on the right menu and choose the action (Raid, Dispatch Spies, Besiege, Become Allies, Send Reinforcements, Send Scrolls, or Send Resources) you want to perform. As you make more contacts (friends or enemies) you'll find that keeping track of them all will be easier from the Command building interfaces than by scrolling on the map. You can perform military actions, conduct diplomacy, and engage in trade from the Keep, Embassy and Market, respectively.
To go home, click "Home" from the Map or Castle menu, or click twice on your Castle.
Raiding other Lords' Castles is definitely the most satisfying way to earn Resources in the game.
To conduct a Raid, choose the number and type of Units you want to send. If your Raid is successful, you will seize a certain number of Resources. The amount of Resources seized depends on the carrying capacity the Units that survived the Raid.
After the Raid you will receive a report from your Grand Marshal detailing the number of casualties and the amount of Resources your Units claimed.
Users registered for 3 days or less will receive low-level player protection. Players thus protected can initiate an attack on any player, but no one can attack their Castle unless the protected player strikes first. If two users who have been playing for less than 3 days fight each other, their war can continue indefinitely regardless of either users' future relative levels or time in-game.
You can perform 10 Raid attempts every day. A new attempt will be added every 2,5 hours. Any Raids in excess of the allotted 10 will not result in any acquired Resources.
You can view the current number of Raids available at the Keep or on the Map by positioning your mouse on other Lord's Castle. After you've reached the daily Raid limit, you can still send your Units to raid other Castles, but they won't seize any more Resources.
You can capture no more than 50% of the Enemy's Warehouse capacity in each raid, and 5% of captured Resources will be subtracted as the cost of the Raid. If the Castle has already been raided to its limit by other players, or the amount of Resources in Warehouse is less than 50% of its capacity, the Raider will get 5% of Resources stored in Warehouse at the time of the Raid.
A Raid can be performed in 2 ways:
From the Map:
1. Click "Map" in your Castle.
2. Place the mouse over the Castle you want to raid.
3. Choose "Raid" on the Castle menu.
From inside the enemy's Castle:
1. Go visit the Castle of the player you want to raid.
2. Select "Raid" from the "Actions" menu.
To lay siege to another Lord's Castle, choose the number and type of Units you want to send. If successful, your Units will capture the Enemy's Castle and you'll take a higher position in the Siege Rankings. Sieges can be broken if the besieged Lord produces enough offensive Units or gets enough Reinforcements to defeat the siege. If your Castle has been besieged, you can still produce Units to defeat the Captor or ask your Friends to send you Reinforcements. Once Occupied, a percentage of your Gold or Iron production will be harvested as Tribute by the occupying Lord until your Castle is liberated.
Sieges can be performed in 3 ways:
From the Map:
1. Click "Map" in your Castle.
2. Place the mouse cursor over the Castle you want to besiege.
3. Select "Lay Siege" from the Castle menu.
From inside the enemy's Castle:
1. Visit the Castle of the player you want to besiege.
2. Click "Lay Siege" on the "Actions" menu.
From the Keep:
1. Go to the Keep.
2. Open the "Contacts" tab.
3. Select "Lay Siege" from the action list.
4. Click "Lay Siege". The Top 10 Players in the Weekly Siege and Tribute Rankings may also earn Sapphires for holding their positions. Laying sieges to opponents will not eliminate them, but will limit their ability to move Units in and out of their Castle. You may also choose to Occupy Castles you are currently besieging. Once Occupied, these Castles will offer you a percentage of their Gold or Iron production.
The "Fiefs" tab displays information on:
- All currently occupied Settlements and Fiefs
-The amount of Resources currently ready for collection
- Time remaining until next collection
- Time remaining until the Fief or Settlement's storage is full
- Number and type of Units at each Fief or Settlement
To collect all Resources accumulated in a Fief, click "Collect" when the button is active.
To select a different besieged Castle to Occupy, remove one from your Fiefs list and add the desired Castle from your "Fiefs" tab.
Spy Missions
Discover the Lost Art 'Cloak of Shadows' and build the Hall of Shadows to perform Spying missions. Upon recruiting several Silent Ones, dispatch them to another Lord's Castle to spy on their forces.
Your Grand Marshal will inform you of the outcome of your spying attempt and any information collected. Spying missions allow you to get a full picture of the number and type of Units in other Castles and the amount of Resources they have to Raid. Your Silent Ones can be defeated by a targeted Castle's Silent Ones if they're outnumbered of if the Castle's Intelligence Bonus is high enough.
Spying missions can be performed in 2 ways:
From the Map:
1. Click "Map" in your Castle.
2. Position the cursor over the Castle you want to spy on.
3. Select "Dispatch Spies" from the Castle menu.
From inside the target's Castle:
1. Visit the Castle you want to spy on.
2. Choose "Dispatch Spies" from the "Actions" menu.
You can support your Allies by sending Reinforcements! Reinforcements help them defend themselves from Enemy attacks.
You can also receive Reinforcements from your Allies. To send and receive Reinforcements, you need to discover "Art of War" and build the Keep.
You can send Reinforcements several different ways:
From the Map:
1. Click "Map" in your Castle.
2. Place your cursor over the Castle you want to send Reinforcements to.
3. Click "Send Reinforcements" on the Castle menu.
From inside their Castle:
1. Go to the Castle of the player you want to send Reinforcements to.
2. Choose "Send Reinforcements" from the "Actions" menu.
If you send Reinforcements, you do so at your own expense. This means that if you send Reinforcements to another Castle, you'll still have to spend Food to support the Units you've sent.
Forming Alliances
To become Allies with other players, you send an "Alliance" offer for other players to accept. If they do, you become Allies.
Your allied status comes with certain benefits - Reinforcements and Caravans travel faster between allied Castles, and your Counselors will get reports about your Allies' actions.
To form Alliances, build an Embassy. Your Herald will report new offers and inform you every time an Alliance has been formed or terminated.
You can become Allies in the following ways:
From the Map:
1. Click "Map" in your Castle.
2. Position the cursor over the Castle of the player with whom you wish to become Allies with.
3. Click "Become Allies" on Castle menu.
From their Castle:
1. Go to the Castle of the player you want to become Allies with.
2. Choose "Offer Alliance" from the "Actions" menu.
From your Embassy:
1. Go to the Embassy.
2. Click "Offer Alliance".
3. Choose the player from the list window.
4. Click "Offer Alliance".
You can't raid or lay siege on your Allies' Castles, however you can raid any Towns they currently control. (Do this at the risk of losing your Alliance.)
Sending Resources
You can gift Resources to any player to help them construct new buildings, purchase Units, or discover Lost Arts. You can also receive gifted Resources from other players.
To send Resources as a gift, you need to discover Trade at the House of Scrolls and build a Market.
You can send Resources in the following ways:
From the Map:
1. Click "Map" in your Castle.
2. Position the cursor over the Castle of the player you want to send Resources to.
3. Click "Send Resources" from the Castle menu.
From their Castle:
1. Visit the Castle of the player you want to send Resources to.
2. Choose "Send Resources" from the "Actions" menu.
The amount of Resources you can send at a time is limited by the number and capacity of your Caravans. You can't send more Resources to one player than your Castle produces per day, and you can only gift Resources twice a day.
There is a weekly cap of 50,000 Resources than can be gained from looting (or gifting) in each Castle. Resources are calculated within the last 7 days.
Sending Scrolls
Scrolls are required before discovering almost every Lost Art. Every day you play, you will receive one new Scroll from your Scribe.
You can also receive Scrolls as gifts from your Friends, or send spare Scrolls to other players.
If you've already discovered a Lost Art, trade any extra Scrolls you have left or gift them to Friends. Once given or traded, these Scrolls are gone. You do not keep a copy.
You can send Scrolls in the following ways:
From the Map:
1. Click "Map" in your Castle.
2. Position the cursor over the Castle of the player you want to send Scrolls to.
3. Click "Send Scroll" from the Castle menu.
From inside the other Castle:
1. Visit the Castle of the player you want to send Scrolls to.
2. Select "Send Scroll" from the "Actions" menu.
From the Market:
1. Go to the Market.
2. Click "Trade Scrolls".
3. Choose a player from the list.
4. Click "Send Trade Offer".
To send a Scroll, choose it from the pop-up window and send a loaded Caravan to their Castle. You can send no more than two Scrolls to the same player a day.
Counselors help you keep track of events at you and your Allies' Castles.
Grand Marshal
Your Grand Marshal keeps you informed on all of your military affairs.
The Grand Marshal reports on:
- Your Spy mission results;
- Other players' attempts to spy on your Castle, Settlements, and Beacons;
- Tracking Reinforcements to and from your Castle;
- Results of battles between your Units and Enemy's Units;
- Any event involving Reinforcements you have sent to your Allies or controlled territories.
You will also receive reports from your Grand Marshal when you recover a Relic following a battle - these reports will be marked with a tresure chest instead of the usual scroll. Information on your newly acquired Relic can be found at the top of the battle report. Click the "Move" button from the report to go directly to your Temple of War.
Check the filters to view reports on specific operations like Sieges, Raids, Spy attempts, etc.
Lord Steward
Your Lord Steward keeps you up to speed on your commercial activity. The Lord Steward reports on:
- Caravans arriving to your Castle;
- your Caravans arriving at their destination Castles;
- Other players' exchange requests.
Your Herald keeps you informed on the status of offered and current Alliances.
The Herald reports on:
- 'Become Allies' offers sent to you;
- new Allies;
- termination of Alliances;
-League invitations;
- Ally activities.
You can customize your Herald's reports on Ally activities and get updates you find most relevant:
- reports if your Ally was raided;
- reports if your Ally was besieged;
- reports if your Ally was spied upon;
To start modifying your Herald's reports, click your Herald icon, click the "gear" icon to access the Settings, and select the information you want to receive.
Your Scribe updates you on the status of your Lost Arts. The Scribe reports on:
- Lost Arts discovery completion;
- Scrolls exchanged with other players;
- New Scrolls deciphered by your Scribe;
- Lost Arts upgrade.