In the League Fortress there are several Resource Buidings:
- Metalist's Guild allows you to convert Iron to Taenite.
- Alchemy Chamber allows you to convert Gold to Amber.
- Ambrosia Harbor allows you to convert Food to Ambrosia.
- Sacrarium allows you to store Amber, Taenite, Ambrosia, as well as convert Sketches to Compendiums. Compendium Conversion happens instantly.
Metalist's Guild, Alchemy Chamber, and the Ambrosia Harbor have Resource conversion queues. There are two types:
- Standard Conversion Queue: Has a conversion ratio of 10 Castle Resources to 1 League Resource. You can double the amount of League Resources after the Conversion starts by using Sapphires.
- Divine Conversion Queue: Has a conversion ratio of 10 Castle Resources to 4 League Resources.
Every fully-fledged League Member can convert Castle Resources to League Resources. You can occupy only one Conversion Queue in each of the Conversion buildings. The number of Queues available for League Members depends on the Level of the Resource Building. The speed of Conversion can be increased by upgrading the relevant Field of Knowledge.
After the conversion is finished, Resources automatically go to the Sacrarium. If the Sacrarium is full, the Resources will stay in the Resource building and League Members will have to transfer them manually.