If you didn't receive any points for the Tournament, it could have happened due to the following reasons:
- Battle/Building upgrade/ etc. was finished before the Tournament started.
- Battle/Building upgrade/ etc. was finished after the end of the Tournament.
- You had 15 old uncompleted Tournaments in your event list. In this case, the new Tournament cannot start. You need to finish previous Tournaments first.
- For League Tournaments, you need to complete the 7 days trial period in your current League and be in the main squad for more than a half of the Tournament duration.
PvP Tournament
PvP (Player versus Player) points are granted based on how many enemy Units you kill and how many of your Units die. Bigger battles where more Units die award more PvP points than small skirmishes!
The following actions do not give you PvP points:
- Attacking and Defending Battlegrounds
- Beacons and Battleground Saga quests do not award PvP points. Killing Balur’s Units is PvE, not PvP.
Battlegrounds Tournament
Points in the Battlegrounds Tournaments are granted based on how many of Balur’s forces you kill while successfully attacking or defending Battlegrounds. The more hostile troops you manage to slay, the more Tournament points you receive. Please note that Saga Battlegrounds missions do not give Tournament points.
Development Race
In the Development tournament, you can get points by constructing/upgrading buildings and discovering/upgrading the Lost Arts. The higher the level of the upgraded building or Lost Art is, the more points you get. Please note that all upgrades should be made within the Tournament duration.
Beacon Conquest Tournament
To get points in this Tournament, you need to attack hostile Beacons and destroy the armies defending them. The more Units you manage to destroy, the more points you get.
League Fortress Showdown
In order to get points, you need to downgrade League Fortresses of other Leagues and eliminate troops defending them. The upgrade of your own League Fortress will also bring you Tournament points.
Experience Exhibition
You will be granted one Tournament point for every experience point you gain during the Tournament. Take heed of one exception: Daily Quests, while they yield experience points, shall not bring you Tournament points.
Dragon Derby
To gain points in this Tournament, you need to slay monsters and discover and upgrade Dragon Arts.
Hamlets Tournament
In order to gain points, collect resources from the Hamlets and slay hostile Units stationed in them.